Wednesday, September 22, 2010

J value testing

I had the opportunity to run a series j value testing on my system. In hope of defining which value(s) will afford me the most optimal performance during builds. My initial j value (by default) was set at 3, which I modified to a j value of 4. The time taken for my vim build to complete at this settings, was much better than the previous build, which had a setting of j3.


Out of curiosity I wanted to see what the performance would be like if I increased my j value to 5. Once I changed the j value to 5, I built an rpm for vim again! Here the vim built to a bit longer to complete, and the same can be said for a j value of 6. I then concluded that the best j value settings for my machine is j4. As an added piece of feedback I was a bit surprised that the performance level for my vim build dropped, when I changed my j value to 5.

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